Episode 1

Watch the full episode

Watch the full conversation between Roxana, Linsay, La Tanya and Diana as they talk through the unique energy of South King County, the work yet to be done, and how the future of the region ties into the future of the nation.

What is so special about your Community

In the face of structural inequality, the people of South King County have created community through compassion, joy and love.

Dignity and Transformation

Stop putting bandaids over bullet holes. Our leaders break down the need for a dignified and transformative approach to social equity work.

Watch clips of the conversation…

Changing the Game

Food, water, shelter and a job – those are basic needs. How do we break cycles of shame that prevent people from understanding they deserve these basics and so much more?

South King County

Let’s talk about the energy of South King County. Here, lived experience reigns supreme and diverse communities are working together to change systems of oppression into systems of care.

Sacred Work

The essence and spirit of this work is sacred. This is an invitation for leaders, funders and community members to dig deep into their own humanity while renewing their appreciation of each other’s humanity.

Power of Community

In South King County community is expansive and diverse. By rejecting notions of scarcity, people are no longer competing with one another, but instead showing up in partnership and power.