About the project

There’s a lot of deep, impactful work happening in South King County. We want to communicate first-hand the challenges and victories we have navigated alongside one another, and invite others — in our communities and throughout the region — to join us in celebrating South King County and supporting the communities who live here.

Together: Stories of South King County was created and driven by community leaders who want to increase their impact through collective power and shared storytelling. Renton Regional Community Foundation supported these leaders in creating a series of conversations showcasing the region’s beauty, challenges, and collaboration. The leaders and organizations who contributed to this work include:

Apostle Anthony Baxter Sr,  World Changers

Diana Krishna, UTOPIA Washington

Dr. Linda Smith, SKY Urban Empowerment Center

Felicia Hudson, Federal Way Black Collective

Kara Martin, Food Innovation Network

Kimberly Unti, Renton Downtown Partnership

La Tanya Horace DuBois, Silent Task Force

Linsay Hill, Multi-Service Center

Lyn Idahosa,  Federal Way Black Collective

Ndudi Chuku, Mission Africa

Rebecca Berry, Skyway Coalition

Risho Sapano, Mother Africa

Roxana Pardo Garcia, Alimentando al Pueblo

Screenshot of a zoom call with smiling faces of organizational leaders from across South King County

We’re coming together as a community to support each other.